FCT and LED test in combination

Customized test fixture

This test fixture is based on a multifunctional housing MFG-530 including a housing extension of 90 mm. The customized design includes different options for carrying out functional tests (FKT/FCT) and an LED test (DCA). The fixture has two individually positioned scanner holders.

The test is carried out via high-frequency contacts (RF) and is operated manually. There are different options for the test:

  1. circuit board / assembly is tested incl. housing
  2. circuit board testing is performed without housing using an insertion mask

A centrally positioned switch contact pin recognizes the corresponding test option and thus pins and insertion aids ensure that the test item is centered. That avoids any manual operating errors. Spring-loaded pressure elements prevent any movement of the PCB during the test procedure. Floating RF pins compensate for possible assembly tolerances. The different connector variants are tested using coding masks. In addition to functional tests, an integrated DCA (Digital Color Analyser) is used for the LED test using fibre optic cable.


Customized design
Model: MFG-530
Test type: FCT
Incl. LED-Test